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Monday, October 6, 2008

A little frustrated...but still very hopeful

Well, the sugar readings are back up some now that Chris has been on the "creamy-foods" phase of the diet. Readings have been anywhere from 130-something to 180-something. So...he started back on his Glucophage pills (4 a day) and his Amaryl (1 pill a day) this morning. I noticed that his lunch reading was still the same as his fasting reading this morning...so I am sure it will take a couple of days for the meds to get "reactivated" in his system. While a little disappointed by this, it is more in line with what we were originally expecting. So...keep your fingers crossed...

The blood pressure is awesome, with no meds. He took a pill the day after he saw the surgeon (on the surgeon's advice) and his blood pressure dropped to 70/50. So...no more blood pressure meds.

This is the opposite of what we were told by some of the people in the support group. They said the sugar would be an immediate resolution but the blood pressure would take time. Guess everyone is different. We will take any/all improvements we can get...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

First Post-Op Appointment

Chris had his first post-op appointment yesterday afternoon. Everything went really well. They were very pleased with his weight loss...and very pleased with his report on his blood sugar and blood pressure. Dr. Strickland advised that he get with our family doctor in a couple of weeks to have his blood work done. You know doctors never like for you to take yourself off of medicine but I surely cannot see anyone taking diabetes medicine if your sugar reading is 80-90 something...you would end up passed out somewhere! They did advise him to continue with his blood pressure med just because that typically takes longer to have a result from the surgery than the blood sugar does. So...Chris took a pill this morning...and...this evening his blood pressure was 70 over something...way too low!!!! So...guess he will have to monitor it and maybe take 1/2 a pill if he thinks it is needed. Anyway, they removed his staples and said everything looked good. The largest wound, where they put the port, seemed to have a little more healing to do so they put some steri-strips on it. They said they would stay on for about 5-7 days and it should be fine by then...ha...Chris just informed me that we need to run to CVS to get some steri-strips because those are already coming off! I figured as much!

His official weigh-in was 285 (that's with clothes and shoes). So in 6 days, he officially lost 14 lbs. And a total of 36 altogether. Awesome!!!!!

They are supposed to call him to schedule an appt for approx. 6 weeks. At that time they will determine if he needs a fill or if he is okay without. I predict he will need a fill....right now he is doing great, really not getting hungry...but by then he will be "experimenting" with real food and I would think at that point it will be easier to lose focus a little. We will see.

After the doctor's appt., we went to the support group meeting (1st Wednesday of every month). It was really a good meeting. The Lap Band was represented much better than it was last month...lots of successful people. Same thing for Gastric Bypass. It is just amazing to listen to every one's stories, to hear the excitement about how much their life has changed...to share the struggles that they are all facing...I think it is just an excellent thing to stay involved in.

So...will post again in a few days to report in with how Chris is doing and to report any additional weight loss. I am having a problem with the weight loss tracker that I had at the top of the page but will keep messing with it trying to get it to work! Till then....